Bill on the Issues
Working for You
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic offers government a unique opportunity – less control, not more. There are legislative paths forward that can help resuscitate South Carolina’s economy and ensure our state rapidly returns to prosperity. A top priority is to use this unfortunate event to make the Palmetto State more business-friendly. To that end, I pledge to work vigorously to reduce government intrusion and regulations that impact every aspect of our personal and business lives.
My ‘Jobs First’ plan states that every piece of legislation should be put to one test — does this bill make South Carolina more or less job friendly? I will NOT support taxes, regulations that hurt business’ efforts to create and maintain jobs.
I am standing-up and speaking with a strong voice to a Federal Government that has over reached and meddled, encroaching daily on our personal liberty and spending America into bankruptcy. I am the primary sponsor of legislation calling for an Article V Convention of States. The time is now to fix our out-of-control and broken federal government, balance the federal budget, create term limits for Congress and federal judges and to restrict federal abuse of power.
I am the champion of legislation to reduce dangerous and deadly distracted driving. My legislation calls for drivers to go ‘Hands Free’ from their cell phones which has proven to make highways safer.
I support a tax system that is FAIR for all. I have sponsored legislation to slash South Carolina’s income tax rates and significantly reduce the state sales tax. This will help businesses grow and further allow the Palmetto State to be a shining beacon for attracting businesses and industries. More businesses mean more jobs.
The lives of the unborn, the drug addicted, the disabled, and elderly all deserve our protection. Life begins at conception.
I’m honored to have been awarded an A+ rating from the NRA. As a strong advocate of Second Amendment rights, I was the House sponsor of the ‘Restaurant Carry’ legislation for concealed weapons holders, which is now the law in South Carolina. I cosponsored and championed legislation that allows CWP reciprocity with our neighbors in Georgia. As a Concealed Weapon permit holder, I have voted in favor of all legislation defending an individual’s Second Amendment rights.
I continue to champion improvements to the S.C. Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) law making government more transparent and responsive. My seven year legislative push for improved transparency at all levels of government resulted in Governor McMaster signing into law major FOIA reforms in 2018. I also supported legislation that was passed that requires mandatory roll call voting so you know how legislators represent you. You will know my every vote and be able to hold me accountable.
I’ll work for government that recommits itself to pursuing freedoms and doesn’t set limits on what individual can accomplish and doesn’t punish achievers. I strive to cut the red tape removing barriers and regulations – not a government obsessed with increasing regulations. State agencies work for us; we don’t serve them.
I support public education, but as a taxpayer I also want a better return on my investment of tax dollars. Money is not the real problem. Regrettably, our public schools statewide under-perform national averages and graduation rates lag. Time and again educators initiate reform, but little is achieved. I support freedom of choice – the expansion and empowerment of Charter Schools and tax credits to help families find the education that best suits their personal needs. Competition is healthy and will be a motivator for public education to truly reform and improve.
Illegal is illegal! I support legislation to tighten down on illegal immigration.
My objective is to work with others to fix what’s wrong, spend wisely and show that state government has the same resolve as do most South Carolinian’s – to work hard and do the right thing. Voters sent me to the Statehouse to help lead the fight for reform – and that’s what I’m doing.
I stand against those who want to revise history; they want to undermine the values on which our country was founded. We certainly can’t be proud of everything in our history; we have made our share of mistakes. But remembering history allows us to build on our successes and failures for our children and grandchildren.